When I was 5 years old I broke the law. And although the details of the following story are still a bit fuzzy, one thing will always remain as my truth. On that day known to me as the day when I saw the most beautiful sunset, I learned to appreciate my mother and all her sacrifices.
My mother is a saint. A beautiful caring individual that has always wanted the best for me. I have asked my mother plenty of times how she manages to be such a great mother, sister, daughter, woman, grandmother, and friend and I never get an answer if anything all I get are smiles that say nothing but express limitless love and gratitude. I am convinced that she has gained a first class ticket into the heavens. To be able to unconditionally love four of the most context individuals ever known to humankind has to earn a place in the heavens that only angels and saints get to experience.
On the day where I saw my first sunset by the bridge, I learned why my mother believed in the American Dream. I learned that we were from a country that was not the United States. I learned that sometimes doing the right thing is not doing the right thing. I will admit that these are very complex lessons for a 5 year old but that day I saw clarity as the sun was setting to the west of the bridge that divided two nations. One nation that defines a dream and one nation that defines my roots.
I have lately thought about that day and the sunset by the bridge. I think about how I felt that day. The feelings of sadness, gratitude, and frustration took over me that day and at the same time I think of the warm sun and the beautiful colors that can fill the soul with happiness. That day the only thing that brought me happiness was the fact that I had a mother that will not let the American Dream escape her.
I have yet to experience another sunset like that one and the reason why I hold on dearly to this memory is because in a weird way that memory aids me to see purpose in my days. The sunset by the bridge brings me back to my reality, aspirations, and goals. The sunset by the bridge reminds me of the beautiful cruelties of this world. It loudly tells me that it is better to be busy changing the world then using my smiles to pretend that I am happy.
The sunset by the bridge reminds me that my adventure is turning into an unknown journey.
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